
Speech Therapy for Adults

HOME THERAPY or CLINIC THERAPY by appointment only.

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Speech Therapy Services For Adults

Speech Difficulty

Learn more about Apraxia of Speech and Dysarthria.

Swallowing Difficulty

What is DYSPHAGIA and how can we help?

Language Difficulty

What is APHASIA and how can we help?

Cognitive Communication Difficulty

Sometimes difficulties with communication may have an underlying cause in a cognitive deficit more than a language or speech deficit. Learn more.

Voice Difficulty

What is DYSPHONIA and how can we help?

Special Programmes

Stroke Rehabilitation Programme

We provide a multi-disciplinary stroke rehabilitation programme consisting of Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Psychology and Dietetics.

Tracheostomy Management

Both speech and swallowing ability will be affected by the tracheostomy. How can we help?

Head and Neck Cancer Management

Patients who have undergone head and neck surgery may often develop speech and/or swallowing difficulties.

Adult Stuttering (Fluency Clinic)

Various treatment options available depending on the type and severity of stuttering.

Speech Improvement for Working Adults

Are you unable to express your thoughts clearly? Do people often ask you to repeat yourself?


Virtually every person (89%) with Parkinson’s disease (PD) will have problems with speech that start early in the disease process and that will progressively diminish their quality of life.


The VitalStim® Therapy System is an adjunctive modality to traditional exercise that unites the power of electrical stimulation with the benefits of swallowing exercises.

Occupational Therapy

Rehabilitation management is important for early mobilization to prevent or minimise secondary complications and deconditioning.

Speech Therapy for adults FAQ

The length of speech therapy for adults varies depending on the individual. It depends on the specific speech or language issue. Some people see improvements in a few months. Others may need therapy for a longer period. Consistency and practice are important. Speech therapy helps adults improve communication and language skills.

Yes, speech therapy can work for adults who stutter. It helps them learn techniques to control and reduce stuttering. Each person’s progress can vary. Some may see improvements quickly, while others take more time. Regular practice and commitment are key. Speech therapy helps adults improve communication and language skills, including managing stuttering.

Adults can do speech therapy at home by following a structured plan. First, they should get guidance from a professional speech therapist. They can then practice exercises and techniques recommended by the therapist. Consistency is key, so regular practice is important. Using tools and resources like apps and online materials can help. Speech therapy helps adults improve communication and language skills, even at home.

Adults who might need speech therapy include those with speech disorders like stuttering. It’s also for people with voice disorders or articulation problems. Adults with language disorders from stroke or brain injury benefit too. Those with cognitive-communication disorders can improve with therapy. Adults with swallowing difficulties also get help from speech therapy. Overall, speech therapy helps adults improve communication and language skills in various conditions.

Adults can fix stuttering through various methods. Speech therapy is a common and effective approach. It involves working with a speech therapist to learn techniques. These techniques help control and reduce stuttering. Regular practice and applying these techniques in daily life are crucial. Speech therapy helps adults improve communication and language skills, aiding in managing stuttering.

Adults should consider speech therapy if they have difficulty speaking clearly. If stuttering or lisping affects communication, it’s time to seek help. Trouble understanding or using language is another reason. After a stroke or brain injury, therapy can aid recovery. It’s also helpful for voice disorders or cognitive-communication issues. Speech therapy helps adults improve communication and language skills in these situations.